Play a fun cybersecurity-themed game!
Published by Rajvi Khanjan Shroff,
What better way to learn Cyber security than from a game? Check out the interactive role-playing "CyberMissionPossible's CTF" developed by Rajvi Khanjan Shroff here!

PSSST...The game works just like you would interact with an app. Click on the buttons (such as the "next" labels, or whenever it prompts, such as "click here"). The website should prompt you with a flashing blue sign too, in case you are not sure where to click.
You'll learn about vulnerabilities such as User Enumeration and SQL Injection, understand how and why Robots.txt files can pose security risks, the essentials of proper password management, and a whole lot more! Not to fear, this is a beginner-friendly game that will explain everything you need to know to successfully understand and "complete" the Capture the Flag (CTF). Pick from red team or blue--find out what that means by playing the game ;)-- and then play it again, this time on the opposite team to get a feel for how the security landscape looks like.
Hope you have fun!